Safe Male Circumcision.
Safe male circumcision (SMC; also known as voluntary
medical male circumcision is a scientifically proven biomedical intervention
that substantially reduces the risk of female-to-male transmission of HIV. The
World Health Organization and the United Nations Program on HIV/ AIDS recommend
SMC for countries with a high prevalence of HIV and low prevalence of male
circumcision. According to the Uganda Demographic and Health Survey conducted
in 2006, only 25% of adults were circumcised and HIV prevalence among
uncircumcised males was higher (6.7%) than in circumcised males (4.5%).
By 2014, the 2014 Uganda HIV and AIDS Country progress
report showed that 35% of adult men had undergone safe medical
USAID/SUSTAIN currently supports seven regional
referral hospitals to scale-up SMC interventions. The target is to circumcise
at least 12,881 men this funding year. SUSTAIN supports SMC services at
hospitals and outreaches in surrounding communities, which began in April 2013.
These activities include circumcision by surgical method and device (PrePex)
1. Supported
the MOH to conduct a rapid assessment of SMC-specific needs (i.e.
infrastructure, equipment and training) at each of the hospitals and developed
hospital-specific action plans;
2. Identified
and trained hospital-based SMC teams;
3. Working
with individual hospitals to renovate and repair minor theaters or identify
appropriate spaces for hospital-based circumcision activities;
4. Supporting
hospital teams to quantify and distribute SMC kits and sundries to
5. Supporting
hospital teams to mobilize communities for circumcision;
6. Supporting
hospitals to conduct VMMC onsite and through outreach camps;
7. Supporting
hospitals implement proper waste disposal and infection prevention measures;
8. Conducting
regular external quality assessments and mentorships to ensure provision of
quality VMMC services.
1. Circumcised
a total of 123,509 men from April 2013 to September 2017 at supported
2. Trained
and equipped over 132 service providers with the required skills to deliver SMC
services at their respective hospitals by September 2017. Each team includes a
circumciser, a circumcision assistant and a counselor. Of these, 15 health
workers were trained in offering SMC using the PrePex method.
3. Worked
with USAID/Uganda to ensure the collection and disposal of over three tons of
metallic waste.
4. Supported
some hospitals, such as Gulu Regional Referral Hospital to renovate and
functionalize the hospital incinerator.
5. Mentorships,
quality assessment and promotion of QI initiatives enabled supported hospitals
to improve their performance against Ministry of Health quality
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